fruits dog can eat

A frequently asked question is – Can Dog Eat Fruits? The truth is “Dog doesn’t need to eat fruits”. We all know that dogs are carnivores’ animals and as carnivores, they don’t need to eat fruits. However, as dogs live in the house and sometimes you might want to share your fruits with them, you must know which fruits they can eat. You can also visit our last article on how much chocolate will kill a dog.

Can Dog Eat Fruits?

Can Dog Eat Fruits?

A dog’s digestive system is different to ours. So, as a conscious dog owner, you should know which fruits are ok and which are dangerous. Some fruits are ok with dogs but some can be deadly dangerous. Read this review article carefully before you offer your four legged buddies any fruit. This can be a life savior in many fruit related health issues!!!

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What fruits dog can eat?

Follow the list of safe fruits to offer-

  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Orange
  • Blueberries
  • Pineapple
  • Pears
  • Peaches
  • Raspberries
  • Mango
  • Coconut
  • Blackberries

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Can Dog Eat Apple?

Can Dog Eat Apple?

Yes, dogs can eat apples. Apples contain a great deal of vitamin A, C and fiber. It is a low-calorie treat for dogs and a great source of important vitamins. Apples not only help to keep the dogs teeth clean but also freshen up its breath. It also provides low protein; high fiber and antioxidant treat for dogs.

   Benefits: Some aged dogs and other breeds have sensitive digestive system and high protein diets aren’t suitable for them. Apples can be a great solution to this problem. For young dogs, apples can help to prevent joint disease and improves gastrointestinal health. In short, apples can be a good source for keeping your dog healthy in several ways. If you like to cook, you can try to make homemade treats for your dog using apple.Dogs love apple very much but you should serve them in moderation.

   Cautions: But you can’t give your dog the seeds or core of apples. Seeds are poisonous for dogs as it contains cyanide. Core of an apple can cause choking problem for your dog. So, it is advised that you must cut the apple in slices to feed your dog. Too much apple consumption can cause bellyache or diarrhea.

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Can Dog Eat Banana?

Can Dog Eat Banana?

Yes, but in limited amount. Bananas contain:

  • Potassium
  • Vitamins
  • Biotin
  • Fiber
  • Copper

   Benefits: Bananas are high in potassium which is great for muscle and blood vessel functions of your dog. It also contains high source of vitamin B6 which increase digestive capacity of protein and improves blood vessel functions to increase supply of oxygen to brain and muscle. It also contains vitamin C which guards from cell damage and builds cartilage. Fiber is another important benefit of bananas. Fiber can keep your dog safe from inflamed colons or bowel problems.

Bananas help to improve immune system and boost up energy level of your dog. The natural enzymes of bananas help to soothe intestine irritation. For large and medium dogs, you can give half a banana each day. For smaller dog breeds, only some small pieces of bananas will be enough.

   Cautions: Bananas contain a high level of sugar and shouldn’t be used as regular treat for your dog. It contains high fiber and magnesium which is vital for your dog’s health. Magnesium helps to generate protein and absorb vitamin.

You can slice bananas to give your dog. Peels of bananas aren’t poisonous but it can cause blockage as it’s hard to digest.

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Can Dog Eat Blackberries?

Can Dog Eat Blackberries?

Yes, dogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries are:

  • low in calories
  • contain high amounts of vitamin C
  • Fiber &
  • Antioxidants

   Benefits: Blueberries are equally useful for human and dog. Antioxidants are very useful in fighting free radicals in dogs and humans. Free radicals cause cellular and molecular damages. It also improves immune system to fight free radicals. A study of US national medicine showed antioxidants can stop brain aging in dogs. Blueberries are full of various vitamins and health benefits. Moreover, blueberries are suitable for your dog’s stomach. You can feed your dog blueberries in fresh and frozen form. Good news for old dog owners!!

   Cautions: if your dog never had blueberries before, you need to be very careful about it. At first, give your dog 2 or 3 blueberries to observe its behavior. If you find any irregular activities or symptoms, stop giving blueberries to your dog. If you have blueberries bushes in your yard, your dog may want to try them when they are ripe. If you find any problem with your experiment at home about giving blueberries as treats, don’t let your dog go over the bushes. Blueberries are healthy treats but should be served with moderation.

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Can Dog Eat Blueberries?

Can Dog Eat Blueberries?

Yes, they can.

   Benefits:  Blackberries are one of the three berry types that your dog can eat. Blackberries provide many health benefits to your dog. Blackberries contain a great deal of antioxidants, fiber and omega-3. Omega-3 is very essential for your dog’s skin and coat. Blackberries also provide vitamins and minerals, including manganese, folate and vitamins A, C, K and E. blackberries can benefit your dog because it is low in calorie. One cup blackberries can produce 61.9 calories which is good for your dog with weight problems. Without increasing your dog’s weight, you can give it many nutritional benefits. In short, blackberries can be very beneficial to your dog’s health if your dog can adjust with the fruit without any irregularities.

   Cautions: However, you need to consider that too much blackberries can upset stomach or cause diarrhea. As a result, monitor first the reactions of your dog before using blackberries as treats. Before adding blackberries to your dog’s regular food diet, you can consult a veterinarian. You can adjust the amount of blackberries according to your dog size. If your dog can adjust well with blackberries, you can add a couple of blackberries occasionally as treat for your beloved four legged friend.

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Can Dog Eat Strawberries?

Can Dog Eat Strawberries?

Yes. They can!!

   Benefits: Strawberries are full of fiber and vitamin C. It also supplies vitamin K, B1 and B6, omega 3 and folic acid. It also contains enzymes to make your dog’s teeth white. As it is high in sugar, you must use it in moderate level. It keeps your dog healthy in several ways. It helps to stop aging, improves immune system and helps in weight management. Strawberries have antioxidants that help to reduce aging rate of dogs. Natural anti-inflammatory agents of strawberries can help dogs having arthritis and other muscoskeletal system type’s diseases.

   Cautions: The best way to give strawberries to your dog is cutting them into small slices before feeding them. You can also mix strawberries with your dog’s regular diet. But it is better to consult a veterinarian before changing your dog’s diet. You shouldn’t mix a good quantity of strawberries all of a sudden. Start with a lower amount and check the reactions of your dog. If you find any irregularities, stop using strawberries immediately as your dog’s diet. Dogs have shorter digestive cycle than humans. As a result, if you feed your dog a lot of strawberries at a time, it can cause diarrhea. Also, due to high amount of sugar in strawberries your dog can be overweight.

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Can Dog Eat Orange?

Can Dog Eat Orange?

Yes, but you should take out the seeds first before giving to your dog.

   Benefits:   Oranges contain many nutrients and low in sodium. That makes them a healthy treat for your dog. Oranges are high in Potassium, vitamin C, folate and Thiamine.

Consumption of oranges can be different depending on the size of the dog. A small dog can eat one-third of an orange while large dogs can eat a whole orange. The peels of oranges aren’t toxic but it is recommended not to give it to your dog. The peels of oranges are hard to digest for dog’s digestive system.Oranges contain many nutrients and low in sodium. That makes them a healthy treat for your dog.

   Cautions: You need to be aware of the natural sugar in oranges. Some dogs may have digestive upset after eating oranges. The acidic nature of this fruit isn’t suitable for dogs. It is best practice to give your dog a small slice to test if there are any anomalies in your dog’s behavior. But the amount of oranges is fixed for small and large dogs. Dogs with diabetic problem should refrain from oranges. Oranges can increase the blood sugar level of diabetic dogs. Peels of oranges are not good for dogs as it contains high amount of citric acid.

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Can Dog Eat Pears?

Can Dog Eat Pears?

Yes, they can.

   Benefits: Pears are great source of copper, vitamins C and K, and fiber. It also contains folic acid, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and pectin. A research study found that eating pears can reduce the rate of stroke to fifty percent.Pears are said to be useful to reduce the risk of cancer and also fights other health issues like

Pears are said to be useful to reduce the risk of cancer and also fights other health issues like the aging of your dog. You should slice it into smaller pieces before giving it to your dog. First of all, remove the seeds and pits of the pears. Fiber is also good for your dog’s health. Fiber helps to reduce bad cholesterol and keeps your dog’s heart in a good shape.

The ideal amount of pears can be 10% of the daily food intake for your dog. One or two cube of pear is good enough for dogs. For smaller dogs, one slice is enough. Too much pears can upset your dog’s stomach. If you have any doubt about the exact amount of pears, you can consult your veterinarian.

   Cautions: Pears seeds contain cyanide, a deadly toxin. Don’t give your dog the core of the pears or seeds. Moreover, you should keep in mind that like most other canned foods, you can’t give your dog canned pears. Canned pears contain a high volume of sugar which is hazardous to your dog’s health. Before feeding pears to your dog, make sure to wash it thoroughly to remove chemicals on it.

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Can Dog Eat Peaches?

Can Dog Eat Peaches?

Yes, they can.

   Benefits:   Peaches contain vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber which are really good for your dog’s digestive system. It also helps to fight infections.

Peaches are very good source of vitamins and vital proteins that help to repair damaged tissues and boost immune system. It can be very useful if you have a sporty dog. Peaches can also improve kidney and liver functions which can result in more efficient filtration and removal of toxins from a dog’s system. Fewer toxins mean healthy body which helps your dog to have a longer healthy life.

   Cautions: peach pits are dangerous for dogs. Pits can be cause of choking and also the chemical named amygdalin can be cause of illness of your dog. The sharp edges of pits can cause damage to or irritation of the small intestine. It can cause ntestinal inflammation, which is also known as enteritis.

If you live near a peach garden or where peaches grow naturally, you need to careful about the fallen peaches under the trees. You should also be careful of moldy peaches which is the worst of all for your dog. The moldy peaches contain bacteria and toxin which are very deadly for your dog’s health. Trash can or garbage bins should be also secured by you for your dog’s safety.

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Can Dog eat Raspberries?

Can Dog eat Raspberries?

Yes, they can.

   Benefits: Raspberries contain a lot of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and iron. They’re a great source of vitamins C, K and B-complex. It can help dogs with old, aging joints affected by arthritis. Raspberries are low in sugar and calories. The manganese found in berries helps synthesize protein and carbohydrates to create energy in the body of your dog.

The most amazing thing about raspberries is anti-inflammatory aspect. Raspberry pulp can reduce inflammation and joint stiffness. Raspberries contain 84% of water which make them a very delightful and healthy snack for your dog. Vitamin C of raspberries is good for immune system and can help to digest iron.

   Cautions: Like other berries, raspberries should be used in moderation. Too much raspberries can result in diarrhea. 2 or 3 raspberries are fine from time to time for your dog. Raspberries contain a small amount of xylitol which is considered toxic for dogs. According to a research, 1 gram fresh raspberries contain 400 microgram xylitol. A dog with 10 kilogram of weight can drink 4-6 cups of raspberries to increase its blood sugar level. Again, if your dog has sensitive stomach, it can encounter problem like gastrointestinal upset.

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Can dog eat Mangoes?

Can dog eat Mangoes?

Yes, they can.

Mangoes contain a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, pectin, potassium and flavonoids (beta-carotene and alpha-carotene), antioxidants and fiber. Antioxidants are good for fighting cancer and fiber is good for lowering cholesterol levels and boost immune systems of your dog.

Mangoes are good for dogs but before giving mangoes to your dog, you should wash them to remove chemicals. Small pieces of mangoes are good for small dogs.

   Cautions: There is always a possibility that mangoes bought from stores may contain pesticides and harmful chemicals. You need to remove the mango pit before feeding your dog.

Mango skin or mango peel is also hard to digest for your dog. As a result, you should peel the mango first before giving it to your dog. If your dog accidentally eats a mango pit, call veterinarian immediately.

You also need to be careful about mango leaves. Mango leaves can be good for human but not for dog. The bottom line is, your dog can eat only the flesh part of a mango. Everything else can be a health hazard and you need to be careful of it. If you see something unusual call your vet immediately.

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Can dog eat Coconut?

Can dog eat Coconut?

Yes, they can.

   Benefits: Eating Coconut is really good for your dog because it fights viruses and keeps harmful bacteria away. It also protects your dog from infections and boosts immune system. Coconuts keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. It also balance insulin and thyroid levels and heals arthritis or ligament problems. Moreover, it also helps healing cuts, wounds, bites from insects and stings.

Coconuts are available in variety of forms like fresh solid, dried solid, water, oil, milk, and flour. You can introduce fresh, dried, and liquid coconut forms to your dog’s regular diet.

Drinking coconut water can also benefits your dog because it is very nutritious and health benefiting characteristics, containing loads of vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc), electrolytes and enzymes.

   Cautions: Coconuts contain medium chain triglycerides that can result in digestion problems, stomach ache and bloating. Coconuts are rich in fat which can cause obesity. Coconut shell can damage your dog’s teeth and also cause obstruction in your dog’s digestive system. As a result, you should keep your dogs away from coconut shells. You can’t give your dog too much coconut at a time because it’s not good for a healthy diet. You should also monitor how your dog reacts to it to avoid negative side effects like diarrhea.

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Can dog eat Watermelon?

Can dog eat Watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon.

   Benefits: Watermelon isn’t toxic to your dog and in a hot summer day, you and your dog can enjoy watermelon together!! Watermelon is an excellent source for vitamin A, vitamin C and Potassium and Magnesium. It also boosts up your dog’s immune system.

  • Watermelons contain 50 calories a cup and 92% of water. So it can be great for your dog’s hydration in a hot summer day. It’s also free of fat and cholesterol which makes it a very good treat for your dog.
  • As watermelon is completely safe for your four legged friend, you can give him occasional treat with no confusion or problem. Watermelon is very essential for physically active dogs to keep them hydrated and healthy at the same time.
  • On a hot summer day, a watermelon slice can be a very good treat for your dog playing outside with you or your family. You should also have sufficient water supply for your dog because only watermelon isn’t enough to satisfy your dog’s water need.
  • Like all other fruits we have discussed above, watermelon should be given to your dog with moderation. While the training session of your dog, you can give 2 or 3 slices of 1 inch to your dog. A slow start is always better to know about the reaction of your dog about a new fruit and watermelon is no exception to that rule.

   Cautions:  Watermelons are good for your dog but remember not the seeds!!! Like apple, the seeds of a watermelon are dangerous for your dog. Though they are small in size, but a number of seeds can cause intestinal blockage and digestion problems.

  • If your dog accidentally eats the watermelon rind, it can cause gastrointestinal problems and also cause tooth damage. So you should be careful about the rind as your dog might enjoy chewing rind for fun when the chance is available for him.
  • There is a type of watermelon available at market which is said to be seedless. You may try to buy such type for your dog’s treat after knowing the threat of watermelon seeds. The fact is, even seedless watermelons contain white seeds. Unfortunately, your dog can eat only the red flesh part of a watermelon and nothing else. As a result, seed less watermelon won’t do the trick for you!!!

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Can dog eat Pineapples?

Can dog eat Pineapples?

Yes, dogs can eat pineapples.

Pineapples aren’t toxic and you can give your dog without any worries!!!

Benefits of eating Pineapples

Pineapples can help to cure a problem named coprophagia (in which your dog eat own poop/feces). If you feed your dog a small amount of pineapples, this problem will be gone!! Pineapples are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals (most important of which are Vitamin C and Manganese). These vitamins are vital for your dog’s health and to boost up its immune system.

  • Pineapples also contain Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that can help your dog’s digestive system to breakdown protein more efficiently than ever. It can be a very useful digestive aid if your dog has digestive problems. But to avail this benefit, you need to feed fresh pineapple slices to your dog. Canned or frozen pineapples can’t help in this case because they both loose Bromelain.
  • Pineapples also provide good source of natural sugar which can be very useful if you are worried about your dog’s sugar related food consumption. Bromelain can help to fight cancer cells in your dog’s body as well. If your dog is affected with a tumor, Bromelain can also help to reduce it.
  • If your dog suffers from kidney problem, Pineapples can be a great solution to this. It can stop formation of stones in bladder of your dog. It can also help to reduce pancreatitis – the inflammation of the dog’s pancreas.
  • You can feed small pieces of pineapples to your dog during its training session.

  Cautions: First of all, you need to be careful about the amount of Pineapples you should give to your dog. According to veterinarians, pineapples should be given in moderations because it contains high sugar that your dog’s body may not be able to handle.

  • You can start with just 1 or 2 small pieces of Pineapples to observe your dog’s reaction to the change. Due to high sugar characteristics of Pineapples, overdose may result in diarrhea.
  • You should also be careful about Pineapple leaves which are very hard to digest and to chew. It can cause digestive problem and damage of teeth of your dog.
  • Pineapple leaves are also very dangerous for your dog. They are toxic and harmful for your dog’s digestive system.
  • If you want to save your time by feeding your dog canned Pineapples, never do it!!! Canned Pineapples are filled with artificial sugar and lack in Bromelain. As a result, never feed your dog Pineapples unless they are freshly cut and you are sure about that.


What fruits are dangerous for your dog?

  • Grapes
  • Avocado
  • Cherries

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Can Dog Eat Grapes?

Can Dog Eat Grapes?

Can Dog Eat Grapes?

No, they can’t eat grapes.

   Problems: Grapes and raisins contain highly toxic substances. Unlike other types of poisoning, grapes poisoning doesn’t depend on a dog’s age, breed or sex. It’s equally poisonous for all. There is no safe amount of grapes for your dog. As a result, prevention is the only way you can follow. However, the name of the toxic isn’t found exactly. Researchers assume that mycotoxin produced by fungus or mold maybe the cause. It is also assumed that salicylate may be found in grapes which causes reduce blood flow to kidneys. There isn’t any specific toxic substance identified for grapes or raisins poisoning in dogs.

     Symptoms of poisoning: Grapes and raisins poisoning can be fatal and can cause kidney failure. Some symptoms of grapes poisoning are:

  • Loss of hunger
  • Weakness and inactive behavior
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain

   Solutions: If you look these symptoms in your dog, don’t hesitate to go to your nearest vet hospital. There is no antidote for grapes poisoning. As a result, only way to treat it is vomiting and using activated charcoal. Grapes and raisins poison can stay in dog’s stomach for a long period of time. Decontamination is the only way to treat this poisoning.

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Why can’t dogs eat avocado?

Can Dog Eat Avocado?

Can Dog Eat Avocado?

No, dogs can’t eat Avocado. Avocado contains Persin, a toxin that causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. It’s also not safe for other animals as well. The toxin in avocado can cause heart failure and death. Persin is denser in avocado plant leaves than fruits, seeds and other parts also contain the toxin.

   Problems: There are many debates about avocado poisoning over the internet. Some people say that it is safe to feed avocado in moderate amount. But you should take care of the avocado seeds which can cause choking problem or digestive problem in dogs. As the avocado pit is more dangerous than any other parts of the fruit, you should remove the pit before offering your dog this fruit. Pits if not removed can cause stomach blockage in your dog.

    Solutions: If your dog accidentally eats avocado, visit your vet immediately. You can also prevent your dog from eating avocado. Let your family members specially your kids about avocado to prevent the problem in first place. Sometimes at parties, your friends may try to offer your dog avocado. You should closely monitor your dog to prevent this poisoning. The garbage bin at your house can also provide avocado to your dog. You should also be careful about garbage bins.

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Can Dog Eat Cherries?

Can Dog Eat Cherries?

Yes, with moderation.

   What are the benefits?

Cherries are rich in Rich in Vitamins A, C, E, potassium, magnesium, iron, folate and fiber. They are rich in antioxidants and reduce the risk of heart disease. They also help to reduce inflammation, joint pains, and arthritis. Cherries can help to improve memory, protects against cancer and improve quality of sleep.

 To be sure about cherries, you are suggested to test with a small piece of cherry and observe your dog. If you see any irregularities like Difficulty breathing, widened pupils, Bright red gums, Upset stomach and Diarrhea, call your vet immediately.

   Cautions: Apart from diarrhea and stomach upset, if you see any of the symptoms stated above then your dog may be in great danger. Also, if you suspect that your dog consumed a lot of cherries at a time, you should go for the nearest veterinarian immediately.

You need to determine if your dog is allergic to cherries or not. If your dog is allergic, don’t offer it cherries anymore. You need to make sure that your dog doesn’t go for cherry garden situated near your house. It can be life threatening if your dog consumes a lot of cherries at a time. Even though cherries are safe for your dog, you shouldn’t use cherries as a regular treat for your dog. You can use cherries as only occasional treat for your beloved four legged friend.


Tips for Feeding Fruits to your Dog

Here are few tips for you to safely feeding fruits to your beloved four legged friends:

  • Apple: Remove all seeds and cores. Slice into small pieces for your dog. Never give a whole apple to your dog. Just give 2 or 3 small pieces.
  • Banana: Remove the Banana peel and cut Banana into small pieces. Serve in moderation due to high sugar level. 2 or 3 slices depending on your dog size will be adequate.
  • Watermelon: Remove seeds and cut into small pieces. You can make Watermelon juice for your dog if you have time. Even seedless Watermelons also contain white seeds. Be aware of that!!!
  • Strawberries: 1 or 2 pieces will be good for your dog.
  • Oranges: For small dogs, 1/3 of an orange and for large dogs a whole Orange is good.
  • Blueberries: Start with 2 or 3 pieces. Serve in moderation due to high sugar.
  • Pineapples: Make small slices and feed your dog. Serve in moderation. Excess amount can result in diarrhea.
  • Pears: Remove seeds and cores of Pears. Make small slices. Don’t feed your dog canned pears as it contains high sugar.
  • Peaches: Remove the pits as it is harmful to your dog. Consult your veterinarian before adding it to your dog’s diet.
  • Raspberries: 2 or 3 Raspberries time to time will be enough for your dog’s need. Overdose may cause diarrhea.
  • Mango: Wash carefully to remove chemicals. Remove pit and cut into small slices.
  • Coconut: Don’t give your dog Coconut shell to chew. Serve with moderation as Coconut is rich in fat.
  • Blackberries: serve with moderation because too much Blackberries can upset your dog’s stomach. Consult a veterinarian to include Blackberries safely into your dog’s regular diet.fruits dog can eat

Final Verdict

Can Dog Eat Fruits? – Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals and can be a great treat for your dog. However, before giving your dog any kind of fruits, read the review about the fruits first. Some fruits can be fatal and harmful for your dog’s health (like grapes or raisins). So you need to be careful about using fruits as treat for your dog. You should also be careful about a number of fruits which can be called safe for your dog. Remember, even your if the dog can eat a certain fruit, you should know the right amount for your dog to avoid trouble like diarrhea or increase in blood sugar level. In last word, Be wise which fruit you choose as a treat.

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